Hi, can anyone please translate this to english
Hi, can anyone please translate this to english
And of course post lyrics too
Hi Malco, I couldn´t find the lyrics either.
If anybody finds them, please post, I will try to translate it for you
That's going to be hard because I believe none of us can write down Swiss German lyrics while listening to the song!
होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
Here is the youtube link:
I have listened to it and I have to admit that I only understand parts of it. I would need the lyrics for a translation or being able for saying something about the message.
It´s somehow referring to the famous book by Johanna SPiry "HEidi". In this bookd Heidi was growing up in the alps and her friend was "Geisen-Peter". He was a shephard, Heidi was living with her Grandpa (Großvater) and then an aunt came and took her for growing up and going to school to a big city (Frankfurt).
But the song is not repeating the story. I says something like Heidi is not a lady.
MAybe some of our swiss users here can help.
I wanted to suggest that you, Malco, write the band a message asking for lyrics (as there are none available on the net) but they only have a guest book on their homepage http://www.container6.ch.vu/
Not sure if they will react to these kind of messages.
You could try it on MySpace, if you are registered there: http://www.myspace.com/container6
होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
Ok thanks for the Heidi story Tahira and Steena, i posted the question to their guestbook... so i will see if this gets me anywhere
The song hasn't much in common with the Heidi story by Johanna Spiry
I will try to write it down it isn't so difficult , the English translation will follow:
ich stah hie obä uf dä alp und luägä abä uf z heidi und ihri pflichtä
I am at the top of the alp an look down at Heidi and her responsibilities/duties
da chunt dä peter und macht sä a, das gang i'z abä go richtä
Peter is coming and chat her up/turn her on, but I will go done and arrange it
Heidi, mier wei doch beidi, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, come on we want it both, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, du bisch kei Lady, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, you aren't a lady, Heidi ohho ohho
dä seid de mit sinär geissäfrässi ich söll still sie und droht mer schläg a
then he (Peter) said with his "goat mouth" that I should leave her and he threats to hit me
da chunt där grossvater u gseht üs beidi und wählt de peter zu Heidis ma
after this, the (her) grandfather comes and see us two and choose Peter as Heidi's husband
i säg
I say
Heidi, mier wei doch beidi, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, come on we want it both, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, du bisch kei Lady, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, you aren't a lady, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, mier wei doch beidi, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, come on we want it both, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, i gseid verstei mich, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, I told you should understand me, Heidi, ohho ohho
z Heidi isch aber nid iverstandä und i übrigens au nid wüll
However, Heidi doesn't agree and me neither because
ich has i gärn u sie mi gloub ou u usärdem stink i nid
I love her and she loves me too I believe, moreover I don't stink
dä peter isch än blödä chäib
Peter is a stupid guy
Heidi, mier wei doch beidi, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, come on we want it both, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, du bisch kei Lady, Heidi ohho ohho
Heidi, you aren't a lady, Heidi ohho ohho
Doch schlussändlich ha ich kei chance, sägä där bärgwält tschau
However, finally I haven't a chance and say goodbye to the mountains
i gangä zrügg i d stadt u verdaue mi chummär mit rä andre frou
I go back to the city and digest mey heartaches with a other woman
Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna ohho ohho
Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna, ohho ohho
und mit dier Anna, cha mä fun ha, Anna ohho ohho
and with you Anna, it's possible to have fun, Anna ohho ohho
si hed drü manna, nach däm dr Ganga onu isch ganga, ohho ohho
She has thre men, after Ganga was gone, ohho ohho
jetzt hend mier ä panna will d Anna isch jetzt schwangär, ohho ohho
now we have troubles, because our Anna is pregnant, ohho ohho
und das gid üsäs Heidi
and this becomes our Heidi
Last edited by Avalin; 06-17-2009 at 10:17 AM.
Hahaaa yeeeesss Thanks so much Avalin