Baschi - Gib Mer ä Chance (Swiss german to English)

Thread: Baschi - Gib Mer ä Chance (Swiss german to English)

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  1. Avalin said:

    Default Baschi - Gib Mer ä Chance (Swiss german to English)

    Baschi - Gib mer ä Chance (~Lovesong)
    on Youtube

    säg denksch du no oft a di zyt
    say, are you still thinking often of this time
    gmeinsam am ufer vom rhy
    togehter on the bank of the "rhy" (swiss german name of the river "Rhein")
    schritt für schritt si mer gange
    step by step we were going
    und den
    and then

    glaubsch es hett eus dört öbert gseit
    believe somebody told us there
    das d liebi eus zwoi mol nüm dreiht
    that love one day won't hold us two
    mir hätted nur glacht und vergässe
    we only would have laughed and forgotten

    drum wünschti mis rad vor zyt
    therefore I wish my "wheel of the time"/clock/"time and tide"
    dreiht sich zrug ume tag
    will turn back one day
    i wählti e andere wäg
    I would choose an other way
    glaub mir es duet mir jo leid
    believe me I am sorry

    verdammt nomol gib mer ä chance
    Gosh darn it! give me a chance again
    hau doch nit ab bliib no do
    don't bunk yet stay still here
    s isch glich weni alles verliere
    I don't care if I lose everything
    und nume di nit
    but only not you
    i weiss es esch nonig zspot verdammt nomol gib mer ä chance
    I know it isn't still to late, gosh darn it! give me a chance again

    no hüt am morge mit dir i mim bett
    still today, this morning with you in my bed
    di chopf i mim arm mir hei gredt
    your head in my arms we talked
    den bisch ohni es wort zu mim huus uss
    then you left my house with out one word

    ich weiss i bi nit perfekt bi kei heillige
    I know I am not perfect I am no hallow
    sicher kei engel
    surely no angel
    nur eine wo liebesblind...fehler macht zum letschte mal
    only one who makes, blind of love, mistakes fot the last time

    drum wünschti mis rad vor zyt
    therefore I wish my "wheel of the time"/clock/"time and tide"
    dreiht sich zrug ume tag
    will turn back one day
    i wählti e andere wäg
    I would choose an other way
    glaub mir es duet mir jo leid
    believe me I am sorry


    ohh chum hilf mir zrugg zu dir
    ohh please help me back to you
    chum machs nit no schlimmer
    blib bi mir für immer
    stay with me forever


    oh hau doch nid ob blib no do
    ohh, don't bunk yet stay still here
    s isch glich weni alles verliere
    I don't care if I lose everything
    und nume di nit
    but only not you
    Last edited by Avalin; 06-16-2009 at 03:14 PM.