Ceza - Ne benim
Gecesi gündüzü benim, i am his day and night
hecesi ve sözü benim, i am his syllable and sentence
berisi ötesi benim, i am his down and above
yarası beresi benim, i am his wound and bruise
sefası cefası benim, i am his pleasure and hardship
rüyası belası benim, i am his dream and trouble
dünyası fezası benim, i am his earth and space
toprağı seması benim, i am his soil and sky
güneşi ve ayı benim, i am his sun and moon
kölesi ve kulu benim, i am his slave and subject
padişahı şahı benim, i am his ruler and king
arkadaşı ardı benim, i am his friend and back
otu ve çiçeği benim, i am his grass and flower
havası ve suyu benim, i am his air and water
gölü ve denizi benim, i am his lake and sea
serin boğazı benim, i am his cool strait
derin doğası benim, i am his deep nature
benim İstanbul benim, i am İstanbul, i am
eğil duyduğun ses benim, bend down, i am the voice you hear
babam bir tane benim, my father, i am the one and only
Danyal Özçalkan benim, i am Danyal ÖZÇALKAN
kral babamdır benim, the king is my father
ailem yıldızım benim, my family, my star is me
kader kısmetse benim, if it is fate and destiny it is mine
ökesi delisi benim, his genious and crazy is me
ölüsü dirisi benim, his dead and alive is me
savaşı barışı benim, his war and peace is me
baharı ve kışı benim, his spring and winter is me
yazı ve hazanı benim, i am his summer and fall
yazı ve turası benim, i am his heads and tails
yaşı ve kurusu benim, i am his wet and dry
taşı ve toprağı benim, i am his stone and soil
hasmı ve ortağı benim, i am his foe and friend
kolayı ve zoru benim, i am his hard and easy
sarayı ve hanı benim, i am his palace and inn
ghettosu ve damı benim, i am his ghetto and roof
çamuru ve kumu benim, i am his mud and sand
kavgası ve zoru benim, i am his fight and problem
batısı doğusu benim, i am his west and east
güneyi kuzeyi benim, i am his south and north
meleği feleği benim, i am his angel and world
kalburu eleği benim, i am his grate and wire
halayı düğünü benim, i am his folk dance and bridal
mektebi alayı benim, i am his school and self-education
sorunu çözümü benim, i am his problem and solution
yanlışı doğrusu benim, i am his wrong and right
yalanı gerçeği benim, i am his lie and fact
suçu cezası benim, i am his crime and punishment
parası ve pulu benim, i am his money and stamp
biberi ve tuzu benim, i am his pepper and salt
sahtesi gerçeği benim, i am his fake and real
selamı ve selası benim, i am his greeting and sela (call to prayer after dead)
kazası belası benim, i am his accident and curse
yemeği ve aşı benim, i am his food and eatings
yedeği ve ası benim, i am his spare and the very
keleği ve hası benim, i am iam his fickle and peculiar
bayramı ezası benim, i am his feast and hardship
siyahı beyazı benim, i am his black and white
esmeri sarısı benim, i am his dark and fair
yeşili elası benim, i am his green and hazel
dolusu ve boşu benim, i am his full and empty
olgunu ve hamı benim, i am his ripe and raw
çobanı hamalı benim, i am his shepherd and carrier
içi de dışı da benim, i am both his inside and outside
başı da sonu da benim, i am his first and last
ağlayıp gelende benim, i am the one who comes crying too
gülmeden gidende benim, i am the one who goes without smiling too
eğlenip gerende benim, i am the one who has fun and stresses
seslenip susanda benim, i am the one who calls out and keeps silent
duymayıp geçende benim, i am the one who passes by without hearing
durmayıp koşanda benim, i am the one who runs nonstop
sığmayıp taşanda benim, i am the one who doesn't fit into and brims over
eleği ve tası benim, i am the sifter and bowl
eli ve ayağı benim, i am the hand and foot
gözü ve kulağı benim, i am his eyes and ears
yolu ve dağı da benim, i am his way and mountain too
kolu ve bacağı benim, i am his arm and legs
uçanı kaçanı benim, i am his flying and runing away
okulu ocağı benim, i am his school and home
pisi ve temizi benim, i am his dirty and clean
akıl hocası benim, i am his adviser
fakir akıllı benim, i am the poor in mind
almadan verende benim, i am the one who gives without taking
vermeden alanda benim, i am the one who takes without giving too
uymayıp yazanda benim, i am the one who doesn't obey but write
değmeden geçende benim, i am the one who passes without touching
dik duran insanda benim, i am the human who stands still
ağlayan insanda benim, i am the human who cries too
son gülen insanda benim, i am the last one to laugh too
sahnesi perdesi benim, i am his stage and the curtain
mikrofonu sazı benim, i am his microphone and instrument
ilham ve perisi benim, i am his inspiration and fairy
asrı ve senesi benim, i am his century and year
hısım ve hasımda benim, i am his relative and enemy
kasınç ve zevkte benim, i am at stress and pleasure
hepsi önümde benim, everything is in front of me
uçarı haşarı benim, i am rakish and naughty
tutarlı tutarsız benim, i am the consistents and inconsistent
eski ve yenide benim, i am the new and old
sesli ve sessiz de benim, i am the loud and silent
sığı ve derini benim, i am shallow and deep
kılı ve tüyü de benim, i am feather and hair
sırı ve meçhulü benim, i am secret and obscure
görünen o köyde benim, i am that village that is seen
bölünen ekmekte benim, i am the bread that is shared
sönemeyen ışıkta benim, i am the light that won't fade away
bitmeyen dertlerde benim, i am the nonstop problem
dinlenen her şarkı benim, i am everysong that are listened
inleyen her nağme benim, i am every whining melody
dinmeyen her sancı benim, i am every single pain that are nor ceased
inmediğim her katta benim, i am at every single floor that i don't get off
yağan her yağmurda benim, i am in every rain
doğan her güneşte benim, i am in every rising sun
boğan kolda elde benim, i am the hand and arm that chokes
çağlayan ırmakta benim, i am in every babbling river
yaşlanmış aşlarda benim, i am in aged food (or aşk- love)
boş kalmış kalplerde benim, i am in hearts that remained empty
anlaşmış düşmanda benim, i am the agreed enemy
düşmandım pişmanda benim, i was the enemy now i am regretful
suçlandım masumda benim, i have been accused i am the innocent too
kuşkuyla bakanda benim, i am the one who looks with a doubt
coşkuyla akanda benim, i am the one who flows with enthisuasm
korkuyla kalanda benim, i am the one who stays with fear
bahçeye dalanda benim, i am the one who bounces to the garden
yağmurdan kaçanda benim, i am the one who runs away from rain
alkışı alanda benim, i am the one who gets applauses
orta parmaklarda benim, i am the middle finger
hep sona kalanda benim i am the one who always remains last
en önde gidende benim, i am also the pioneer
değnek yok elimde benim, i don't have a baton in my hand
efsunla gizemde benim, i am the charm and mistery
bazen karnı açta benim sometimes i am the one who is hungry
bazen karnı tokta benim, sometimes i am the one who is full
sade gördüğüm mü benim, is only what i see mine
bence görmediğim de benim, i think what i don't see is mine too
en uzak diyarda benim, i am at the furthest land
gördüğüm kabusta benim, i am in the nightmare i see
yazılmış tarihte benim, i am at the written history
bekleyen ati de benim, i am the future that is await
inandıklarımda benim i have what i believe
inanmadıklarımda benim, i have what i don't believe
hancıyla yolcuda benim, i am both the host and passenger
dünyaya gelende benim, i am the one who comes into the world
dünyadan gidende benim... i am the one who leaves the world too
Last edited by kibele; 08-06-2009 at 03:54 AM.
Endless Climb
I am blind
Why can't I hear?
Color blind
Speaking a phrase
Instantly grown
I am blind
Waiting in line