Can somebody check this over, please?? Multumiri anticipate!
Esti acum departe si nu stiu
Your far away now and I don't know
Cine va umple locul gol de langa mine
Who will fill the empty place by my side
Si nu stiu inca cine, poate mai tarziu
And I still don't know who, maybe later
Cine-mi va umple noaptea care vine ?
Who will fill the night that's coming for me?
N-ai privit in urma ta,
You didn't look back,
N-are rost dar nu uita
It doesn't make sense but don't forget
Destinul l-ai schimbat
You changed destiny
Atunci cand ai plecat...
Right then when you left...
Nu ai nici o vina, vina o port eu
It's not your fault, I hold the blame
Pentru ca n-am stiut sa-ti spun tot ce ma doare
Because I didn't know to tell you everything that was hurting me
Nu privi in urma ta, e prea tarziu si nu uita
Don't look back, it's to late and don't forget
Destinul l-ai schimbat
You changed destiny
Atunci cand ai plecat...
Right then when you left
Atunci cand ai plecat
Right then when you left
S-a rupt ceva in mine...
Something broke within me...
Atunci cand ai plecat
Right then when you left
Si nu am vrut sa te opresc...
And I didn't want to stop you...
Atunci cand ai plecat
Right then when you left
Si timpul pentru mine s-a oprit
And time stopped for me
Pentru mine...
For me
Atunci cand ai plecat...
Right then when you left
Grabita intotdeauna si pe drum mereu
Always a little hurried and on the road
Cine va umple locul gol de langa tine ?
Who will fill the empty place next to me
Si nu stiu inca cine, poate tu sau eu
And I still don't know who, maybe you or me
Va plange pentru ziua care vine...
Will cry for the day that's coming...
Nu privi in urma ta,
Don't look back
N-are rost dar nu uita
It doesn't make sense but don't forget
Nimeni n-a fost vinovat,
Nobody was to blame
Atunci cand aļ plecat...
Right then when you left...