Uni Linguistics Project -- Need a Bulgarian Speaker!

Thread: Uni Linguistics Project -- Need a Bulgarian Speaker!

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  1. eeebee said:

    Default Uni Linguistics Project -- Need a Bulgarian Speaker!

    Hello everyone. (: I'm currently a student at San Diego State University, majoring in Linguistics. To make a long story short, I have a language project due in a very short amount of time and my speaker bailed on me. I've been able to do most of it without her but there are still some things I really need help with. Basically what I need is some very simple sentences translated into Bulgarian with an English literal translation following them. These are some examples in French and Japanese:

    Jean ate an apple:

    Jean a mangé une pomme.
    Jean has eaten an apple.

    Taro ate an apple:

    Taro:ga ringo-o tabeta
    Taro apple ate
    If someone could perhaps translate the following sentences into Bulgarian (using the Bulgarian alphabet, perferably, but I'll take anything) and then provide a literal English translation to go along with them, I would be forever indebted to you.

    Ivan ate an apple.
    Ivan will pass the exam.
    The boy hit the dog with a stick.
    Thank you all very much in advance. (:
  2. lopatka's Avatar

    lopatka said:


    Иван изяде една ябълка.
    - Ivan izyade edna yabalka.
    - Ivan ate one apple.

    Иван ще мине изпита.
    - Ivan shte mine izpita.
    - Ivan will pass the exam.

    Момчето удари кучето с пръчка.
    - Momcheto udari kucheto s prachka.
    - The boy hit the dog with a stick.

    That's the literal translation. Almost the same, except the first one :]
    Ungir kallar, kátir kallar, gangiđ upp á gólv dansiđ lystilig!