Can somebody check and correct this please? Thanks!
حسافة ب اول المشوار فات الود يا غدار
7asaafa bawal el meshwar fet el wud ya ghadaar
I’ll regret it from the start of this path, the amiability is over, you traitor
جرحت القلب بغيابك نسيت ان الزمن دوار
Jara7t elgalb begheeyabak, nesseit enez- zmaan dawaar
you hurt my heart with your absence, but you forgot how life (time) has many turns
و اذ ا شفت الغصن يبكي تاكد ما تـت الاسرار
w iza shafat el gha9an yebki, ta2kad maatat el asraar
and even if you see my eyes (branches) cry, you can be sure the secrets have died
حسافة ب اول المشوار فات الود يا غدار
7asaafa bawal el meshwar fet el wud ya ghadaar
I’ll regret it from the start of this path, the amiability is over, you traitor
و جيت اليوم تتوسل تبي نرجع متل اول
w jeet el youm tatwasal tabee narja3 mitel awal
and the day will come when you’ll beg and want us to go back, like in the beginning
انسى د نيتي و ارحل كفا ني ما ابي اعذار
Ensa denyati, w er7al kefaani maa abi a3zhar
forget my world and go away, turn away from me, it's enough (for me), I don't want excuses
اول كنت بي مغرم حبي هايم و تحلم
Awal kent bee mogharam 7obbi haayam w ta7lam
at first you were in love with me, passionate and a dream
و صرت اليوم ما تهتم قلبي في هواك احتار
W 9ort el youm ma tehtam galbi fee hawak e7taar
and now you don't care, my heart is confused about your love