Ma doare amintirea ta
Your memory hurts me
Tarziu iti cer iertare viatza mea,
I ask your forgiveness too late
Ce-am facut n-am facut bine
What i did was wrong
Si plang de dor pe perna ta
And i cry with longing on your pillow
Parfumu ti-a ramas adanc in ea,
Your scent has remained deep in it
E prima noapte fara tine
It's the first night without you
Am gresit si stiu
I made a mistake and i know
Da nu stiu daca vrei sa te intorci la mine
But i don't know if you want to come back to me
Sau e prea tarziu,
Or is it too late
Ca mereu ne certam
Cause we always fight
Si apoi ne impacam
And then we get back together
Si iar ne suparam de parca ne jucam,
And we quarrel again as if we would be playing
Ne certam mereu
We always fight
Dar acum a fost mai rau
But now it was worst
Nu uita ca si tu ai gresit
Don't forget that you messed up too
Si te-am iertat si eu
And i've also forgiven you
Am gresit odata si nu ma poti ierta
I messed up once and you cannot forgive me
Stiu e vina mea dar nu ma chinui asa
I know it's my fault but please don't torment me like this
Schimba lacrimile-n zambet
Change the tears into smiles
Sau puterea ta
Or your power
Sa fim amandoi un suflet
For both of us to become one soul
Of iubirea mea,
Oh my love
Schimba-mi lacrimile-n zambet
Change my tears into smiles
Sa fim in sfarsit,
To be at last
Doua inimi intr-un zambet
Two hearts in one smile
De nedespartit
Ba ma vrei ba ma alungi
Sometimes you want me other times you relegate me
Imi dai sperante unde vrei sa ajungi,
You give me hope what is your point,
Si privirea ta ma doare
Your geez hurts me
Inima de dor suspina
My heart sighs with longing
Hai dezleaga-mi sufletul de vina,
Come and untie my soul from the blame
Am vorbit la suparare
What i said was at anger
Niciodata nici o alta fata
Never ,not any girl
Stii ca nu o sa poata
You know could never be able to
Sa-ti ia locul vreodata,
Take your place
Ca in inima mea esti numai tu
Cause only u'r in my heart
Stiu ca ti-am gresit iubit-o
I know i messed up baby
Iarta-ma nu spune nu,
Forgive me, don't say no
Stiu ca ma iubesti
I know you love me
Se vede in ochii tai
I can see it in your eyes
Nici tu numai stii de fapt ce vrei
You don't know what you want either
Ba ma vrei ba ma alungi
Sometimes you want me sometimes you relegate me
Ba ma certi si incepi sa plangi
You hassle me and start to cry
Numai inteleg nimic
I don't understand anything anymore
Nu stiu unde vrei sa ajungi
I don't know what is your point
Schimba lacrimile-n zambet
Change the tears into smiles
Sau puterea ta
Or your power
Sa fim amandoi un suflet
For both of us to become one soul
Of iubirea mea,
Oh my love
Schimba-mi lacrimile-n zambet
Change my tears into smiles
Sa fim in sfarsit,
To be at last
Doua inimi intr-un zambet
Two hearts in one smile
De nedespartit
Schimba lacrimile-n zambet
Change the tears into smiles
Sau puterea ta
Or your power
Sa fim amandoi un suflet
For both of us to become one soul
Of iubirea mea,
Oh my love
Schimba-mi lacrimile-n zambet
Change my tears into smiles
Sa fim in sfarsit,
To be at last
Doua inimi intr-un zambet
Two hearts in one smile
De nedespartit
" Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "