Can you help with the translation of
acestui cāntec.
This is a vulgar songs.
First of all the title of the song is spelled wrong (or it was spelled like that for censure) instead of 2 is z.
So, the name of the song is used in slang for women genitals and by some men when they talk about women

. It's gonna be a little hard to translate it .....
e,e,e,e,e plin de pi2de
e,e,e,e,e plin de pi2de
e,e,e,e,e plin de pi2de
is, is ,s full of *****
is, is full of *****
is, is
De parca n-ar fi clar
As If it wasn't clear enough
E vara iar,e marfa rau
It's summer again, so cool
Au iesit pi2dele afara peste tot
Outside is ***** everywhere
Am ochelari cu zoom te vad de la distanta,zau
I have zoom glasses, I can see you from far away, really
Plus ca am raze x la ei,poti sa stai in tricou
I have also x-ray, so you can wear a t-shirt
Din nou,o ardem praf ,cu pi2dele din staf
Again, we are wasted with the staff *******
Care vor autograf, cine noi?
Who wants an autograph? who us?
spike si guess who isi fac de cap
Spike and Guess Who are fooling around
un fel de tociu si palade,varianta hip-hop
A sort of Tociu and Palade (2 comedians), the hip-hop style
observ ca ai timp de vrajeala,deci ce faci?
I notice the you've got time for flirting, so what are you doing?
Vai! ce ochi,ce par,ce fund ce bine te-mbraci
Oh! what eyes, what hair, what ***, how well you dress
zi-mi te bagi?ca pare a fi felul meu de romanca
Tell me are you in ? It looks like she's my Romanian type of girl
se fute inainte sa o scot la suc,in timp ce si dupa
She gets laid before I'll take her out , while and after
pune piua,c-alerg intruna toata ziua buna ziua
Say stop, cuz I'm running all day long
cutrier peste tot prin Romania,dupa pi2de
I'm wandering all over Romania ,
after *******
le vezi pe toate in reviste,artiste,actrite,pictorite sau punkiste
You can see them in the magazines, singers, actresses , painters or punk listeners
bagate in bussines,sau ce stiu ele
Involved into businesses, or whatever they know
altele bagate in alti sau la ei prin avere
Others sicked to others or their fortune (meaning that many woman have relation with a man for his money)
ca meseria asta-i veche de cand sanzienele
Cuz this job is old since Sanzaienele ( Sanzaienele is a holyday)
si acum curvele o ard jumate peste,ca sirenele
And now *****s are having half, like mermaids
plin de pi2de
e,e,e,e,e plin de pi2de
e,e,e,e,e plin de pi2de
e,e,e,e,e plin de pi2de
e,e,e,e,e plin de pi2de
is, is ,s full of *****
is, is full of *****
is, is
in halul in care nu mai am aer
In the way I don't have air
si dracusoru spune da acolo nu fi fraier
And the devil says put it there, don't be a fool / sucker
de parca scap la cate pi2de sunt aici
Like I could escape from all the ******* from here
am credit pentru pasarici mai rau ca richie rich
I have credit for them worse than Richie Rich
fara masini d-alea gen glont,avion sau racheta
Without those type of cars like bulets, plain or rocket
stam in parc la iarba verde si o ardem pe bicicleta,
We are sitting in the park, on the green grass and we're riding a bicycle
suntem si noi pe val
We are in trend
las-o incet,arunca ancora
Take it slow, drop the anchor
ca stam in barca aia in care multi s-ar antura,
Cuz we are standing in that boat on which many would like to be
dar pune frana,ca asta imi rade tot salariul meu pe o luna
But slow it down, cuz this is spending my salary on a month
si nu oricum ,ea poate mai putin de o saptamana,
And not that easy, she can do it in less than a week
dragostea dureaza cat timp,
Love last as long as you
ai monetar mai rau ca schimbu valutar,chi-ching
You have more money than the currency exchange agency, chi-ching
sunt multe pi2de
There are many *****
dalea cochete,cu mot
Stylish ones
e plin de pi2de
It's full of *******
in fusta scurta si roz
In pink mini skirt
vad multe pi2de
I see many *******
vor sa ne puna la colt
They want to corner us
e plin de pi2de
It's full od *******
si o sa ne futa pe toti
And they will **** us all